Wednesday, November 22, 2006

"Wisdom" My F**king Ass!

Let me start by saying that I never liked the idea of wisdom tooth. I don't know whose brilliant idea it is to call the wisdom tooth the "wisdom tooth".

First of all, I think I'm already smart enough. With an IQ of over 125, I don't need some stupid tooth's approval to show that I have enough wisdom to make it through this stupid life. Besides, why should we let our life be controlled by four tiny enamels?! To be honest, I don't even give a shit about their existence... until now.

After putting up with the toothache from hell for three months (and nagging from my boyfriend), I finally gave in and decided that it's time to pay the dentist a visit. But what else is new? I already knew that my wisdom tooth is coming out, how bad can it be? Right? Wrong!

According to the guy, because of that stupid tooth, my gums are now swollen and I should get the damn thing extracted as soon as possible before it starts to push my teeth sideways. The best part of all of this is: To take away that agony the wisdom tooth is causing me, I will have to go on antibiotics (which I hate) to make the swell go away, and on top of that, I will have to pay a whooping 500 bucks for the surgery to extract it!

Yes, you heard me right: Five hundred buckaroos!

This is where it pisses me off! I mean, why should I pay 500 bucks for a mistake that God made? Shouldn't He, or She, be rectifying this mistake this instance instead of letting me suffer?! I'm sure if I sold my soul to the devil ages ago, this would probably never happen. 500 bucks to extract a fucking tooth?! The Tooth Fairy better be giving enough to cover my medical bills!

I have to admit that I'm a wuss when it comes to anything that could, would, or might, inflict pain on me. To pay 500 bucks for someone to cut my gums open, dig my tooth out and give me three days medical leave, is not exactly how I wanted to spend my hard-earned money! By the way, did I mention that it's going to hurt like hell?!

A Jessism © 22112006

1 comment:

Linus Linnaeus said...

wait till you're own your dentist's dental chair and your bf's not there to save you...your mouth's a hotbed of painful nerves each one in turn giving you a debilitating shock now and then...causing you to shake and shiver worsening things as the dentist's knife pushes in error further deeper into your ever hurting flesh...comforting aren't I? better make your peace with the lord! :P Bye friend!
:P Linus