Friday, April 27, 2007



好久不見. 近來還好吧? 

沒有你在身旁的這段日子里, 真的好想你. 昨晚又再睡不著了. 忽然間又想起你來.看著你的照片, 腦海里就浮現了我們在一起的那段開心日子. 感覺好幸福. 但是, 不管我再多用力的去想, 我却回想不到你身上的氣味是怎樣的. 我忽然間好害怕. 我很怕會慢慢的忘記你.我更怕我也會一樣的慢慢從你記憶中離去. 真的好想這裡的一却拋之不理回到你那邊. 這種感覺真的好辛苦.


懷念你身上那股香味的 - 犬夜叉

(jessism © 27042007)

Information Overload

Just when you thought that you know everything about your friend, think again. Though, be careful what you wish for, you might just get it.

During dinner yesterday, Clayton dared David to shave his head bald. Being the ass that I am, I added, "while you're at it, why don't youjust shave your balls too." It was meant to be a joke that was supposed to end right there. Honestly. But David just have to enlighten us: "I've done that." My jaw dropped.

Not knowing how to shut up, I just have to go: "You what?" As they say, curiosity kills the cat. Whatever that I didn't see coming hit me like a van, lorry, truck, oil tanker, 16-wheel container carrier. David went on telling me that actually shave it... yes, "it" -- the balls! As if I needed to know, "every three days", pubic included. He then went on explaining that the shave is required because of the underwear he wears!

"What sort of underwear would require you to shave your balls?!" I should've see this coming. David proceed to draw an image of the said underwear for me, which looks something like the picture below.
"That's why I have to shave off the bush." But that still doesn't explain why he needs to shave his balls!!!

David went on telling me about his underwear fetish collection, explaining to me that you require different underwear with different pants you put on. "It's a form of courtesy." As though the knowledge that my friend shave his private part every three days is not shocking enough, I sat through what seemed like forever listening to David telling, no, explaining to me about the different types of underwears there are in the market and about the more-than-twenty-five pairs of different underwears he owns and how you're supposed to "match" it with the types of pants you wear.

Too much information? Oh, no. there's more. "I think I have almost every color, except for one. Oh no, wait. It's more than one: purple, pink..." He lost me after pink. All that was in my mind at the time was to click my heels three times and utter the magic phrase: "There's no place like home. There's no place like home. There's no place like home." Clayton then reminded me that I wasn't wearing any ruby slipper... which means, there's more to come.

"You know, the funniest thing was seeing how my mom trying to hang my bareback underwear." (pix below)
You know what's funny? I still don't see the relevance of why he has to shave his balls to be able to wear those underwears he mentioned. But I decided to keep my mouth shut this time around.

- jessism © 26042007 -

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Get Right

I got an sms during the weekend from an unknown person. It goes: "Hey bro, are you still doing interior design. Do I get commission if I help you get customers?" The first thing that struck me was: bloody idiot sent to a wrong number. So I kinda ignored it. But still, I just couldn't get it out of my mind. I mean, who would be so stupid to key in the wrong number when sending an sms?

Anyway, getting off work right on the dot for the first time since I started working, I went home directly to catch myself some Zs. While I was about to doze off my phone rang:

Guy: "Stan! Stan!"
Me: "What???"
Guy: "Stan?"
Me: "Stan??"
Guy: "May I speak to Stanley please?"
Me: "Erm..." (Is he referring to my brother??? But there's like a thousand Stanleys in KL. It couldn't be...)
Me: "I'm sorry, I think you got the wrong number."
Guy: "Sorry.." (then the dude hung up...)

Right after the fella hung up, I called my godbrother to check if he knew this person. And of course, after I gave him the number, Stan has no idea who the hell that person was. So, it is a wrong number after all.
* * * * * * *
Today, on MSN, a friend messaged me.

*߆LεJuî©ε says: yo! Do u have stan's number?
*߆LεJuî©ε says: bugger..i called and different people pick up
*߆LεJuî©ε says: lol
*߆LεJuî©ε says: he was like.. stan??
jess says: let me guess... your last four number is 5699
*߆LεJuî©ε says: 0124677114
jess says: LMAO
jess says: that's my number la doink!!!!!
*߆LεJuî©ε says: OH FUCK
*߆LεJuî©ε says: HAHAHAHA
jess says: I might be his bro but i'm NOT him
jess says: lol
*߆LεJuî©ε says: thats you who answer the phone ar?!?!?
jess says: i knew i recognise the voice, i just cant recall who is it
*߆LεJuî©ε says: fuck this is embarrassing
*߆LεJuî©ε says: fuck shit.. hahahah why i go put stan in the name...

The moral of this story: Please key in the right name when you add contacts into your phone or jess will further embarrass you by posting a blog about your mistake.

- jessism © 25042007 -

Monday, April 23, 2007


I love my new work place.

Work started on Monday and all seems fine, so far. I got myself a 5-day week job that works from 9 to 5 (literally), a huge office of my own, and the best part is: I get to wear anything I want! (No more ugly ass uniforms like those in PHHP.. yay!)

Just when I thought that I would have a crappy weekend in this new place I just moved into, God took pity on me and gave me a weekend to remember!~

While on the way out from my apartment to meet Irene at KLCC, I saw this gorgeous mat salleh at the sidewalk. Jess being jess, jess stared at him. Caught me looking at him, he smiled back! Now how often does that happen?! Even more shocking, he walked up to me and started talking to me!!! It's true! I'm not making this up! The guy asked me for directions! LOL...

Anyway, he wanted to get to the closest LRT station but the fact is even the closest LRT station can not be reached by foot! He insisted on walking, so I gave him the directions and head on to the bus stand to catch my cab to KL Sentral LRT station. (I need to meet Irene at KLCC, remember?) Normally, it took me ages to get a cab, especially on a rainy day. So I was expecting to stand there like an idiot for hours before I could actually get a cab. But the minute I got to the bus stand, a cab came and it actually stopped for me!!

Getting on the cab, I can see the gorgeous piece of meat mat salleh still walking under the rain towards the direction I gave him. Feeling pity for him, and partly also because I wanted to spend more time to ogle him, I asked the cab driver to stop and offer to give him a lift. It turns out that the gorgeous piece of meat guy is a full time model from Brazil! Started at the age of 16, he's been doing modelling ever since. When I met him, he just finished the first of his many casting appointments in Malaysia.

We got to talking and before I knew it, we've already reached KL Sentral, so we're forced to cut our conversation short, Before parting ways, I found out that apparently Matt (his name) stays around KL Sentral! Silly me, I forgot the name of the apartment that he's staying in and I also forgot to get his number!!! Sigh... But I managed to snap a picture of him before he goes. So if any of you guys sees this gorgeous model from Sao Paulo, do tell him jess is looking for him!

- jessism © 23042007 -

Saturday, April 14, 2007


What is it with people and fresh milk anyway? Went to Giant with Linus while ago, and the dude was searching the whole dairy section up and down for a carton of fresh milk. "You see, it's written here: Fresh Milk." Right...

My question here is: How does a person knows that the milk in the carton is fresh? Yes, I know that the label says that it's fresh milk, but is it really "fresh"?! Can we really trust what is labeled?! It says that the milk inside is fresh, but how fresh is the labeled-to-be fresh milk anyway? Was the milk milked yesterday? Two days ago? A week ago??

Another thing that puzzles me is this: From where and how do they determine when a carton of milk is going to expire? Do they like, milk the cow and ask: "Hey cow, when does this batch going to expire? Next week? Are you sure? Ok, let me write that down..."

- jessism © 14042007 -

Thursday, April 12, 2007

The Wait

I have been waiting for the past weeks... for something to happen. For a word, or at least some emotion. But nothing. All is cold and stagnent. What has become of us? What went wrong? I am still left in darkness, awaiting for that something to happen. My heart aches so much, it's about to break. This departure is hurting me more than I could take. Can you hear the silent tears my heart cries? Will you ever notice it before it's too late, that I can no longer stand this wait?

- jessism © 12042007 -

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


昨天逛了夜市, 買了一堆我最愛吃的食物...

第一次吃芋頭飯, 吃得那麼地心酸. 眼淚不知不覺的就掉了下來... 不知道幾時才能再吃到這夜市的東西了.

想不到時間過得真快, 後天我就要離開這裡了. 心里還真的是有點捨不得我當初是如此般討厭的地方. (證據A, 證據B.) 原本還打算撐到最後都不哭的, 但從昨天開始眼睛就一直很不爭氣的在那邊漏水... 其實和魔鬼魚及小龍吃晚飯的那一天就已經開始在死撐了; 在魔鬼魚在我家哭的那一刻我一直告訴自己: "不可以讓他們看見你哭的衰樣子, 一定要笑著離開, 好讓他們記得你的笑容." 但是和修權去看電影的那一天起, 心情就不停的往下降... 這終於讓我明白了一件事: 原來要耍酷還真不簡單!

東西也搬得七七八八了... 後天走了後也不知道幾時會再回來了... 雖然這回不是搭飛機走的, 但這時忽然想起了一首歌的歌詞: "I'm leaving on a jetplane. Don't know when I'll be back again. Oh babe, I hate to go." 不想走也得走. 就算捨不得也沒辦法. 禮拜一就要開工了, 新的挑戰也在等著我去面對. 重點是: 不工作哪來錢? 沒錢誰來幫我還卡債哦? 唉... 人又老錢又沒, 真辛苦!

(我想, 多數看到這貼的人一定會驚訝吧? "想不到這小子還會寫華文咧!" 我當然會啦! 我華人咧! =þ)

~ 致我所有柔佛州的朋友: 記得要 keep in touch 哦! ~

jessism © 11042007