Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The One About Death

Death... The inevitable pesky little flaw in life that all of us could not avoid. No one knows when its going to creep up on you, and there certainly there is nothing you can do to prevent it from arriving. It comes when it comes, and as it likes, and there is NOTHING you can do about it.

The first death I experienced was that of my aunt. I was really young. In fact, too young to remember anything about it. But when my grand uncle passed away, I was older and I felt it. I couldn't understand why it had to happen to him. What wrong did he do to deserve it? I couldn't comprehend. I remember me and Mom crying in my room the day he was cremated.

When I was 19, I lost my grandfather. All I could feel was: numb. I didn't react to anything at all. I remember my brother waking me up in the middle of the night telling me that he had passed on. Mom's eyes are already wet with tears. Knowing the seriousness of his illness, Dad was already staying with my grandparents at the time to care for him. I knew I had to be strong for the family. I drove as fast as I possibly could. We never speak a word throughout the whole journey. My noisy brother, for the first time, was actually quiet throughout the 2-hour drive. I remember seeing tears rolled down Mom's face every now and then.

My grandfather had passed away at home. When we got there, I smelled death for the first time in my life. The air in the house was so still. Everybody seems to be talking in whispers. I guess Death not only takes lives away but also quite people down.

My brother and I sat out until dawn the first two nights of the funeral service. I remember him asking me if I see my grandfather anywhere. I didn't.

I didn't as much as shed a tear during the three-day funeral service. That is, until the day we sent him to the crematory. I couldn't hold it back anymore. I cried the mother lode.

Yesterday, I was informed by Irene that our grandfather was admitted to the hospital. I knew this day was coming when we were told by the doctors that his heart is slowing down, I just never knew there was more to it. When I called my aunt, she was crying on the phone. I was told that my grandfather had been diagnosed with third stage liver cancer. With his heart condition and the seriousness of the cancer diagnosis, we know that it could only mean one thing.

I couldn't help but think that this "life" business is really strange: One minute you could be munching on a fishball and the next you might be laying in the morgue because you choked on the damn thing!

Since the time will come sooner or later, and it's inevitable, I guess we'll have to look on the brighter side of things and think of it as a peaceful and everlasting sleep. Of course, we all know that "sleep" is just a euphemism for "you're so dead" and/or "you're about to become worm food"...
"Life is short. Get a divorce!"

- jessism © 29072008 -

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The One About My Cina Blog

Yes, I now have a Chinese blog, entirely written in Mandarin! Can you believe it? I can't too!

Jess is writing an entirely Chinese-based blog? He has got to be out of his mind, right?! Well, what can I say? One's gotta reach for the stars, right?

Ok. So maybe I am reaching a wee bit too far here. Besides, what can a 'banana' write about? But as I recall, a certain famous dead people once said: "don't try won't know". So here I go, heading into the unknown world of Chinese blogging.

Watch out, Cina World! Here I come!!! (....erm, right after I figure out what to write...)

"Life Is Like Men: You'll Never Know What Dick-Size They Come With." - jessism
- jessism © 21072008 -

Sunday, July 20, 2008











- jessism © 19072008 -

Friday, July 18, 2008

The One About Politics

(NOTE: This post might be offsensive to some readers. Please DO NOT read if you are sensitive towards political issues or anything related to politics, and easily offended by remarks made about politics. This author WILL NOT be responsible for any disgust or feel of being offended after reading this post.)

First of all, I hate politics. I really don't get it. Is power really THAT important? I believe that whoever serves the country better should be in charge. And since this is a democratic country, it would be: whoever the rakyat feels serves the country better.

Whenever I see any news related to politics in the newspaper, I would just skip it altogether. But with the endless politicking that's been going on, it has become unavoidable to come in contact with political news these days.

Since I'm an idiot about what goes on in the political world, here's a post about what I understand from what I've been reading in the past weeks... (Feel free to correct me, if I'm wrong.)

01. Election in Malaysia is NOT a fair process. (Source: Human Rights Watch)

02. If you are the ruling coalition and you win the election, the country will go on with business as usual. But if the opposition wins, the country gets endless politicking and finger pointings.

03. Being honest and telling the so-called truth can get you in trouble. Look what happened to that private investigator guy and Raja Petra.

04. If you're being accused of being involved in a murder case, nothing till will happen to you. But if you're not at the police station an hour before appointment time, 15 police cars and men in masks will show up at your doorstep to arrest you, without a warrant. (Don't laugh ok?! According to Home Minister Syed Hamid Albar, it's "the best option"!)

05. It's ok to make personal attacks on your opponent over and over again in a debate when you run out of points to say.

06. Those roadblocks that causes fuel-wasting traffic jams, "were carried out in the interest of the public". (Not sure how he know what our interests are, but that what Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar said.)

07. Demonstration is considered as an interference with our daily life, but roadblocks that causes fuel-wasting traffic jams aren't. (Here's another quote from Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar: "The public want their safety, not demonstrations or interference with their daily life.")

08. If you have constipation, you're most likely a sodomy victim!

09. If you are accused of sodomizing someone, you will be taken to a medical center to have your private parts measured, and you will not be shown of the accuser's report.

10. Home Minister Syed Hamid Albar said that "(Anwar) has strong supporters in the international arena... and we are going to stop him." So be very careful. If you have friends in the international arena, the government might just "stop you"!

As I'm not really in-the-know about politics and all, can someone tell me how is it possible for Anwar to have "strong supporters in the international arena" backing him up? When the Home Minister said that, does it mean that our government don't have any "strong supporters in the international arena"? If so, why doesn't our ruling government have "strong supporters in the international arena" but Anwar has it?

- jessism © 18072008 -

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

The One With A FREE Antivirus

Oil prices go up, electric bill go up, water bill also go up, but salary remains the same. Sigh...

Use computer also have to support ORIGINAL software, but all so god-damn expensive! Unless you are rich enough to get a Mac, there is no way in hell you can avoid virus attack with that crappy Microsoft Windows OS. (Not forgetting the constant blue-screen and hang that you get if you're using Windows Vista) And my dear readers, antivirus don't come cheap!

So how?

Well, fret no more! I'm here to present to all of you faithful readers the future of antivirus! Most importantly, it's FREE!

You can use it on as many PC as you like. None of those copyright infringement bullcrap. And it's simple to use. All you need is have a little faith in it!

To download: >>> Click Here <<<

"Sharing Is Caring"

- jessism © 08072008 -

The One With The List

I feel old.

Worse: In a few days I'm going to be older. And having to deal with aging for someone who has Peter-Pan Complex is really not easy. It's like forcing a kid to believe that fairies and angels don't exist! (Which I'm sure they do.... They're prolly just hiding from sight and plotting for a worldwide take-over...)

Anyways, whether I like to admit it or no, I'm edging closer and closer to that inevitable 3-0. With too much free time I have at work, I started thinking about what I should do before I turn 30. Before I know it, I've got a list of absurdities at hand!

In no particular order:
01. Lose my virginity (Thank all the forces at work!)
02. Get (at least one) piercing
03. Go on a cruise
04. Get married
05. Get a decent massage
06. Get a sleazy massage
07. French kiss (at least) 30 people (Any voulenteers?! LOL...)
08. Buy a house
09. Have threesome
10. See a live concert
11. Try waxing (If a girl can endure the pain, I'm sure I could too!)
12. Get a manicure
13. Get a pedicure
14. Sex on the beach
15. Backpack overseas
16. Come out to friends and family

Okay, that's all I can think of...for now. If you have any other suggestions to add to the list, feel free to post it in the comment box. If I feel that I am of interest to do it, I'll add it into the lsit. Hehe... thanks o!

"Don't say that Wendy! We'll never grow up!" - Brian Kinney

- jessism © 08072008 -