I have not laugh so hard and so loud for a very long time.
I don't know what gave them the idea for this episode, but you have got to watch this! For those of you who can understand Mandarin, go download the February 27th episode of "Kang Xi". The theme for that episode is "Beauty Tips From Lazy People".

The funny part about this episode is that I find myself agreeing to almost everything that was mentioned in the episode.
(Only difference is, they are far worst than me!)The person that I can relate to the most is Makiyo. When she mentioned how "inconvenient" it is to have to get up and throw used-tissue-paper-that-you-just-blow-your-nose-with, you have no idea how hard I nodded! Hahaha!!! It's true! Can you imagine how inconvenient it is to have to get up and find a waste basket and throw it? Only to find that you will have to repeat the action again and again?!

Queena Liu said that she will choose NOT to go out if the outing only last for "less than 2/3 hours". Why? Because it's very troublesome. You need to figure out what to wear, put on make up, style your hair, etc. Why do you think I have long hair that I have straightened? It's so that I don't have to comb or even style it when I go out! I can just wake up from bed and my hair will be perfect. It does help in cutting down the time I have to spend on preparing. Which means, I get to sleep, or laze around, for a few extra minutes! =D
Remote control and TV. OH MY GOD! I tell you: I really can't remember life without a remote control! I seriously don't! If I'm watching TV, I'll have to make sure the remote control is just beside me. And if I can't find the remote control, I'll question everyone in the house and try my best to find the culprit that hid that damn thing. And if I still can't find it, forget it. I'll just NOT watch TV that day.
And do you guys remember back in the days when VCD existed? What a pain it was to have to get up and change the disc? I'm telling you, whoever invented DVD, is definitely a genius... the person really saw a market in us lazy people! And now there's Blu-Ray! I wonder when will they put the whole season of a TV series into one Blu-Ray disc, then I wouldn't have to get up and change the DVD every 4 or 5 episodes anymore.

When Makiyo mentioned she's too lazy to even check the menu, I almost fell off my bed. That
is exactly what I hated the most! Why do you think I always order the same thing when I'm at Paddington's? Can you imagine lifting up the menu at Paddington's?! The damn thing is the size of a women's lifestyle magzine and weights like five of those all binded together! And having to go through ALL the hundred pages of it?! That's totally crazy! You know, one might sprain their arm from lifting something
that heavy some day! And the menu at certain (Chinese) restaurants (especially). The menu they gave you could be the size of an envelope. But after you unfold it, it turns into this A3-size-map-filled-with-fine-print-words-and-money-signs-and-there-is-no-way-you-can-fold-it-back-to-the-way-it-was! Sigh... Just thinking about it is enough to make my arms sore.
What's your
dirty lazy beauty tips?
"Some people call it 'lazy', I call it 'introvert'." - jessism
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