Thursday, August 14, 2008

The One About Being Content

I'm angry mad furious! It pisses me off big time when people don't know how to be content with the things they have.

While there are people out there who can't even afford a loaf of bread, there's still a certain group of people who are bitching about not getting the Gucci/Prada bag he/she always wanted for his/her birthday or anniversary. Take for example: A kid wanted a Merce, but his Dad bought him a Porche for his birthday and he goes around bitching to everyone how his Dad gave him something he didn't want.

Erm.. hello?! What the fuck is wrong with you?! Be happy with whatever fuck people give you! The main point is that the gift comes from the heart! At least he didn't give you a box of Kleenex! If you don't like it, donate it to those who are in need! Stop bitching about it! And be grateful that you don't have to fall into the category of those who starves through their daily life.

If you felt the pinch of what I wrote in this posting, I might be refering to you, then again maybe not.

To the person I used as an inspiration to this posting: "FUCK YOU! Be content with what you have, you jerk!"

- jessism © 14082008 -

1 comment:

marbl3s said...

Well, usually i will pretend to be that fucking happy.

But as usual, me being me, i will ALWAYS tell people what i want instead.

You woman, give me sex. You guy, give me moooooney or buy me a stripper, pills or some shit to make me hallucinate.
