Monday, December 05, 2005

What Is "Love"?

What is this thing call "love"? It has no shape, no smell, no taste; you can't see it, touch it, taste it, so what the hell is it?! Did someone just wake up one day and suddenly decided: "Hey, you know what?! I don't know what I'm feeling, but I think I’m gonna call it 'love'"?

While we're at it, who invented the word "love" anyway?

Everybody keep saying it every day: "I love you", "I love you too", "I love this", "I love that"… but what is "love"?! If you like something so much, why don't you just say "I like this very much"? "I like you" sounds like a nice phrase, so why are we substituting that word with another friggin' "L" word?!

Everybody keeps saying "I love you" to their girlfriend/boyfriend/wife/ husband. Let me ask you something: What makes you "love" that person so much that you can't live without him or her?

Oh c'mon! Don’t give me that bullshit about his/her personality, how he/she treats you, how he/she cared for you, how good he/she is in bed, or how gorgeous he/she looks! Does this mean that when the gorgeousness fades away, when he/she is unable to satisfy you enough in bed, you won't "love" him/her anymore?!

What happens if you wake up one day to find that your boyfriend/girlfriend has turned into a girl/guy? Why you still love the person the way you did? Or just because you two share the same gender and you suddenly decided that you won’t "love" the person anymore? It’s still the same person you’ve been "loving" all this while. Didn't you just said earlier that you would "love" this person no matter what? Well HELLO!! This IS the "no matter what" part. So what’s going to happen now?

Okay, maybe that would be a little far-fetched. But how about this: People always say "in sickness and in health". What happens if your "other half" told you he/she has got HIV/AIDS? What then?

Give it a thought.

In conjunction with the World AIDS Day, I would like to urge all of you out there to make a difference. People who are living with HIV/AIDS are not any difference than us. They still deserve the same loving, care, and treatment any one of us deserves. The HIV/AIDS virus knows no race, age, or gender. It can infect anyone, anytime.


Help those who are in need, and you can make a difference!

Support World AIDS Day

An original Jessism © 01122005

1 comment:

TheMindInTheHeart said...

Came across your blog accidentally and found it quite intersting. I am inclined to agree with you on the statement that most people say the 'LOVE' with no basic understanding of the weight and the responsibilities that word carries. I still feel that it is something that needs to grow, nurtured and shared with that special someone only and not passed from one person to another. My views anyways. Would like to invite you to my blogspace you have the time. You may find it interesting especially in this topic of love. And keep on blogging!