Thursday, May 24, 2007


[The following is a news piece from News Strait Times:]

Tough Task Of Promoting Condom Use
Malaysia's Ministry of Health cannot openly promote condom use to prevent the spread of HIV because it could be misinterpreted as advocating promiscuity.

Promotion of condom use will be handed over to nongovernmental organizations, including the Malaysian AIDS Council and its 37 affiliates, Khalil said.

According to the Times, there are about 75,000 HIV-positive people living in Malaysia, 70% of whom are injection drug users. In addition, the government has said that transmission through heterosexual sex is increasing and noted a trend of increasing HIV incidence among women in the country. Current efforts to combat the spread of the disease have targeted IDUs, commercial sex workers and men who have sex with men, the Times reports.

According to Khalil, the health ministry and the government are concerned about the increasing number of HIV cases recorded annually. However, the government cannot be seen as an advocate of condom use because it could be misinterpreted, Khalil said. "We realize that we are in an Islamic country, and we have to do things carefully," he said, adding, "That is why we have given this duty to nongovernmental organizations."

According to Khalil, the government is aware that condoms are an effective method of preventing the spread of HIV, especially among marginalized groups like IDUs, MSM and sex workers. "The important thing is to prevent HIV/AIDS from spreading," he said, adding, "We have to give enough information to all levels of society. But changing knowledge to behavior is not easy."

Datuk Zaman Khan, trustee of the Malaysian AIDS Foundation, said he agreed that promoting condom use is the best method of controlling the spread of sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. He added that there are "so many taboos in this country," but "in reality, [premarital sex] happens."

MAC President Adeeba Kamarulzaman said, "Delaying sexual practices and having monogamous relationships are ideals, but these do not necessarily happen in real life. We have to match that with pragmatism." She added, "We know what works, and we have to get people to realize that they have to protect themselves, ... it's about protecting public health and educating the young".

Before I go on rambling about how important the use of condom is, here's some jessism:

Let's just put it this way. Whether we like to admit or not, the Malaysian government is a totally fucked up, stupid and irresponsible in every way. If promoting the use of condom "could be misinterpreted as advocating promiscuity", what difference does it make regardless of who is promoting it?! It's still "advocating promiscuity"!!

According to the article, "the government has said that transmission through heterosexual sex is increasing" how would they know that?! Do they go out and ask everyone, "do you share your drug needle with someone else?" Or maybe, "have you ever fucked a man?" Another question: How is it that by targeting men who have sex with men can help "combat the spread of the disease "?! Wouldn't it be easier if we just put up a big neon sign, showing a big huge ass condom, with the wordings: "Put It On, Or Else It's Not Going In"!?

I mean, come on! How are we going to fight something if we're not serious about it?! If our government can't do anything about something so important like this? What can they do?! From the recent news events, as well as previous ones, I sure find that they know damn well how to point fingers at each other when problem arises. You can spend so much on the stupid "Tak-Nak" campaign, which doesn't work! Why not just ban cigarettes for good?! Ban it! Make it illegal for everyone to smoke and you'll never see people smoking anywhere anymore! Simple as that! Why waste our tax money on ads and campaigns that doesn't work at all?!

But seriously, so we have an incapable and irresponsible government. So what? Even if they are not doing what they should to promote the importance of safe sex, we should all be aware of it! For goodness sake, if you're straight, you wouldn't want to knock up somebody's daughter, would you?!

As kids, my mother played a very important role in teaching me and my younger brother about safe sex. A very good example would be how my brother failed to notice the importance of it and he ended up knocking someone up. Being the irresponsible brat that he is, like our government, he did some bad judgment calls. But that's another story all together; let's shift our focus back to the importance of condom use.

To make it simple, if you don't have a condom with you, don't go screwing around. Run out with your pants down to the closest 7-Eleven if you have to, that's why they're open 24 hours a day!! To be there for you when you needed them! NEVER do it without putting it on!

Girls, if your guy don't have it, don't be afraid to kick him off. If he insists on doing it, threaten to break up, or call the cops! Just don't let his one-eye snake get anywhere near your abalone! (Or whatever you kids call it these days.) Same goes for you guys out there. If you're planning to have sex with another man, please do put it on and protect yourselves. I don't want to go lecturing you all about how wide the spread of HIV is among gay men.

If you still insist on not having a condom on, this is what I have to say to you: the safest sex is with your hands. Or like I mentioned earlier: "Put It On, Or Else It's Not Going In"!

Don't be stupid! Play it safe!

- a jessism © 24052007-

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