Worldwide, more than 80% of women admitted to faking orgasms. In fact I have verbal confirmation from most of my female friends saying that they do fake it. Well, guess what? You're not the only one who knows how to do it! Talking to a couple of guy friends of mine, both straight and gay, I discovered that men do fake orgasm as well!
Shocking, isn't it?
I know you're probably thinking that it's easy for the 'receiving' gay men to fake it, which is true. I talked to a few of my gay friends who are at the receiving end and according to them, they do fake it most of the time in order to get their partners off. Usual
1. Tired
2. My boyfriend wants it but I don't, so I fake it just to pleasure him
3. He's not really doing it right, but I wouldn't want to hurt his feelings
4. It will help boost his confidence and bring us closer together if he thinks that I am enjoying it
I'm not so sure about Excuse #3. I mean, how can someone not do "it" right? Ain't there but one way to do it? Then again, come to think of it, I think it sure hold some truth to it. Heck, I sure don't want to hear my partner telling me that he's not enjoying whatever I'm doing while we're having sex! But the main point is, women and 'receiving' gay men aren't the only ones who can fake it. Even straight men and gay men on the 'giving' side can fake orgasm. Trust me. I've done it before. =þ
How? Well, I dunno. How do you women do it? I think it's about the same. We probably do the same ooh and ahh and pray hard that you won't notice.
Why? I guess the reasons are almost the same: Tired, not wanting to offend our partner, and (or), wanting to get things over with ASAP. Now women out there are probably saying that I'm bullshitting, why would men wanted to get over with sex as soon as they could when they're a bunch of horny bastards? But I'm not making this up! These are actual words from actual straight men! If you don't believe me, go ask your boyfriend or husband! But I doubt that they'll admit it as easily as I do.
But there is a moral to this posting. Yes, for some weird twisted reason there is a moral to this twisted posting that jess wrote.
Do notice that all of us have something in common. The "tired" excuse is always there. So the way I see it, next time, don't have sex with your partner when he/she is tired. Chances are, the person might be faking it.
- jessism (c) 28092007 -
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